Enjolras & Grantaire

Once again, here’s more from the Les Misérables 25th anniversary concert.  I love the relationship between these two characters.  Ramin Karimloo and Hadley Fraser are good friends offstage, and it shows.  These are from their interaction during the song Drink With Me.   

 This video on YouTube, shot by an audience member, shows that there was more tension between them during this exchange, in moments not shown in the official DVD edit (or in my screencaps).  From this video’s angle, you can see their initial camaraderie,  then Karimloo’s expression and body language shift from amusement to disapproval. 

Enjolras (Ramin Karimloo) & Grantaire (Hadley Fraser), Les Miserables

Can it be you fear to die? Will the world remember you when you fall? Can it be your death means nothing at all?

 Enjolras (Ramin Karimloo) & Grantaire (Hadley Fraser), Les Miserables

Enjolras (Ramin Karimloo) & Grantaire (Hadley Fraser), Les Miserables

Enjolras & Grantaire (Hadley Fraser)

Enjolras & Grantaire (Ramin Karimloo & Hadley Fraser)

Enjolras & Grantaire (Ramin Karimloo & Hadley Fraser)   Enjolras & Grantaire (Ramin Karimloo & Hadley Fraser)

Related Posts:   My Les Mis   Please Sir, I Want Some More   Gavroche   To The Barricade!   Grantaire   Thénardier Waltz   Ramin Karimloo   Gavroche: Liar!    Bring Him Home   Enjolras   Les Mis: The Originals   24601   Fantine   Cosette & Madame Thénardier


Filed under Actors, Theatre

5 responses to “Enjolras & Grantaire

  1. Pearl

    Just saw the concert on PBS. Great show and this scene bridged the gap between a ‘concert’ and the play. these two extraordinary singers/actors really stole the show for me. Now I want to go to London to see the play once Hadley joins the cast.
    I saw him in The Pirate Queen and wondered, “who is this guy?”
    Is this concert on a CD?

    • Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! You can probably tell that these two actors are my favorites as well, along with Robert Madge. I want to see Hadley Fraser as Javert, too. I do envy that you got to see him in The Pirate Queen. The Les Mis concert is not yet on CD, although many folks have bought the “Dream the Dream” 25th Anniversary Tour CD thinking it’s the concert. It’s definitely not!

  2. Susan Bernaek

    I had not even heard of either of these incredible singers/actors until I saw them in the 25th Anniversary performance of “Phantom of the Opera.” I don’t think I breathed through the whole show. Along with the beautiful Sierra Bogges (Christine), they were simply outstanding. Of them all, though, it was Hadley who just stole the show for me, and I hope to see him perform in the UK at a future time. For those who can do so, go see him as Javert in “Les Mis,” but hurry. His time with that show ends in June, and he has a couple of times-off between now and then.

  3. Elena Cejuela

    Just loving the musical, Grantaire and Enjolras!!!!

  4. Crystal

    Same here…just loving it!

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